Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Ying  Zhou

Adjunct Assoc Professor

Adjunct Associate Professor

Adjunct or Visiting, Environmental Health

Sc.D., Harvard University, 2002
B.S., Tsinghua University, 1997

Contact Information

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health

Atlanta , GA 30341

Phone: 770-488-3833

Fax: 770-488-1538

Email: ying.zhou@emory.edu

Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Air Pollution
  • Climate and Health
  • Environmental Health
  • Global Health
  • Risk Assessment


  • Doctor of Science 2002, Harvard University, School of Public Health
  • Bachelor of Science 1997, Tsinghua University, China

Affiliations & Activities

Dr. Zhou’s research mainly focuses on environmental exposure assessment, health impact assessment, and economic valuation of mortality and morbidity risks. For environmental exposure assessment, Dr. Zhou has studied exposure to air pollution (such as PM2.5, ozone, air toxics) and UV radiation. In addition, Dr. Zhou’s studies analyzed health impacts for different climate change scenarios, as well as health impacts corresponding to different policy interventions to reduce air pollution. Dr. Zhou has also conducted benefit cost analysis for public health actions to reduce lead in drinking water, and estimated economic valuation of selected illnesses related to environmental pollution.  

Publications and Social Media