PhD Programs
Doctoral programs in the public health sciences are offered through Emory's Laney Graduate School.
PhD Program in Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences

The field of behavioral, social, and health education sciences (BSHES) is committed to applying a broad spectrum of behavioral and social science knowledge, theory, and methods to promote health, prevent disease, and improve quality of life. The PhD BSHE program applies a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to research and advocates an ecological perspective to understanding and influencing the factors that shape health and illness.
PhD Program in Biostatistics

The PhD program in biostatistics prepares students for research careers by offering a blend of theoretical and methodological courses. Our teaching curriculum is based on the principle that almost every biostatistician will have to spend at least some of his/her time on statistical analysis of real-life data.
PhD Program in Epidemiology

The PhD program in epidemiology trains future leaders in public health. Our curriculum is grounded in the methodologies of epidemiology and biostatistics enabling graduates to contribute new thinking to the field. These methodologies are applied to a broad range of clinical and public health concerns domestically and globally, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, environmental exposures, infectious diseases, and reproduction.
PhD Program in Environmental Health Sciences

The PhD program in environmental health sciences seeks to improve human health by better understanding the impact of environmental factors in the development of disease. PhD students will receive comprehensive training to become fluent in population and laboratory-based research in environmental health science by bridging the interdisciplinary areas of Exposure Science, Biological Mechanisms of Susceptibility and Disease, and Environmental Determinants of Population Health.
PhD Program in Global Health and Development

The Global Health and Development (GHD) program will train leaders and scholars who use science to improve public health policy and practice for underserved populations globally. Graduates will acquire a solid understanding of the theoretical frameworks of implementation science and relevant methodological skills required to guide programs and policies that are designed to improve health outcomes in a variety of settings across the globe.
PhD Program in Health Services Research and Health Policy

Emory's health services research and health policy program trains students to undertake original research (relying on social science theory and using sophisticated empirical analyses) to evaluate current issues in health policy. Our program combines a strongly interdisciplinary and policy-oriented public health approach with rigorous social science training in either economics or political science.
PhD Program in Nutrition and Health Sciences

The nutrition and health sciences (NHS) program provides the expertise and skills necessary to investigate relationships between human nutrition and health, and contributes to improving nutrition worldwide. The NHS faculty were recently ranked 4th in the United States in terms of research productivity. Core strengths in metabolomics and predictive medicine, clinical nutrition, population-based intervention trials and epidemiology, and public nutrition programs ensure a quality training in whichever aspect of human nutrition that most inspires you.