Rollins requires that all material submitted by a student in fulfilling his or her academic course
of study must be the original work of the student and must uphold academic integrity. Students
are expected to engage in ethical conduct consistent with the field of public health and Emory
University. Students become familiar with the Honor and Conduct Code during their pre-Orientation
Canvas module from Enrollment Services. Students are required to complete a Principles of Good
Scholarship Survey and score a grade of 80% or higher to ensure they are familiar with the Honor
and Conduct Code, Principles of Good Scholarship, and Citations. The Academic Resource Center
offers a variety of resources to support student success.
Allegations of violations of the Honor and Conduct Code undergo a preliminary investigation by the
Senior Associate Dean of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs or their appointee. The matter
may be resolved at that point or referred to a formal Hearing Committee consisting of students and
faculty members who make their recommendation to the Executive Associate Dean for Educational
Affairs. Students may petition to appeal that decision, in which case a second Hearing Committee
may be convened. Policies and procedures governing honor and conduct code violations are
contained in this document.
In accordance with university bylaws, the president of the university has delegated to the dean and
faculties of each school the responsibility of designing honor and conduct codes for its students. The
Rollins Honor and Conduct Code was established to ensure personal responsibility and professional
standards consistent with the field of public health and the missions of both Emory University and
Rollins. In cases where the code has been alleged to be compromised, it sets forth a set of procedures to deal with the allegations. This code applies to any student registered in a Rollins course. Registered students are responsible for upholding all aspects of the code.