Concept Maps


Non-linear Ideas

Concept or mind maps are technological tools that rely on cognitive science and our understanding of how the brain organizes information to allow us to visualize ideas in flexible ways. Concept maps are a departure from the linear way in which academic information is typically organized in textbooks which often does not account for the complex, non-linear relationships between ideas. Concept mapping tools allow for a variety of non-linear relationships to be visually diagrammed in efficient ways ranging from procedural tasks (e.g. a simple logic model) to complex relationships among multiple concepts and ideas. 

Below is a concept map that illustrates the complexity of instructional design practice and the many factors that influence the design of instruction (if you click on the image you can see the map full screen). Without a non-linear way of describing instructional design practice, it would be challenging to illustrate the array of factors involved and the relationships between ideas. This visual concept map helps to make explicit the ideas and concepts which we can use to build connections to new information. The power of a concept mapping tool is that a learner can return and rearrange the map as their understanding progresses. The Other Teaching Technologies Resource page offers several free online concept mapping tools with various functionalities.


Another strength of concept map platforms is that the maps can be embedded in Canvas or on a web page and that multiple group members can access the map and work on it simultaneously or view the work of other learners or groups. Below is an embedded map in progress.




The Learning Center, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Concept Maps